"...doesn’t he leave the ninety-nine and go after the one?"

Matthew 18:12

Join us for food, fellowship, and the Word

What is "Home Church"? Well...here's our story

Home Church is a place where YOU can connect with a community of people who will SHARE a meal, ENGAGE your faith,
and SUPPORT a purpose driven life. We believe in creating a space where we can experience today's version of Acts 2 - a growing, thriving, neighborhood-based community of Christ followers and people-lovers.

Home Church empowers leaders to bring together their circle of influence, enjoy a meal, and create a space where God can step into our lives and speak life, correct, and direction. If that is something that resonates with you, then we want to hear your story. Come and join us at one of our in-home worship gatherings.

If you'd like to hear more about our story, our foundations, our values, and our believes, then check out our STORY page and GET CONNECTED page.

Latest Messages

Check out the latest message from Home Church on our YouTube channel.  You can also find more videos on here on our website, our Facebook, or our YouTube pages. 

What's happening.

Stay up to date with the latest events for each of our Home Churches. Here you can find each of our home-based worship experiences, community gathering, youth events, and more!